With a special edition, the ConvenPACK®️ (Conosur International Convention of Automation and Packaging Processes), was the ´virtual´ meeting point for the interaction and presentation of technology, applications, developments and packaging for the food, agri-food and beverage industries . With a special format and transmitted from the Enjoy Live Estudio platform.
MDGroup Conosur®️ (the prestigious private consultancy specialist in industrial automation) deployed all its potential, experience and links with leading companies for different virtual presentations / exhibitions, floor interviews and international connections. As usual, ConvenPACK®️ presented the latest in technology, developments and equipment / processes related to packaging, packaging, bagging, quality control and robotics for the entire food chain and related parties.
During the seminar, which lasted almost 7 hours live, world-class companies presented their equipment and technology for different applications.
There was also a direct message from Brazil, from the Director of Fispal Tecnología: Clelia Iwaki, who as part of the BTS Informa Group gave details of the preparations that are being carried out in the communication of the event (suspended in 2020 and postponed to June 2021, from June 22-25 in Sao Paulo). It is recalled that Fispal Tecnología is the largest fair / exhibition in Latin America that has been held for 36 years, and every year, some 40,000 visitors and almost 500 stands make this event unique, where all the news of processes, equipment, machinery, robotics and service supplies available in the market and according to the rapid advances worldwide.
The #ConvenLIVE transmission was carried out through networks and online media, with a wide call (with audience peaks of more than 5,000 virtual assistants from more than 20 countries), with an impact that far exceeded the expected and actively stakeholder participation in the areas of automation, processes, the INDUSTRY 4.0 model, and packaging; all linked to the food and agri-food sectors. The Organizing Committee appreciated and thanked all the support received from companies, private, educational and governmental entities to carry out this special edition of ConvenPACK®️.